
February 8, 2019
Jennifer L. Donovan
Separating from a spouse brings its own set of stresses, but few people realize that not updating a will at this time can open the door to even more headaches, Fredericton family lawyer Jennifer Donovan tells Donovan, principal of J. Donovan Law Group, frequently advises clients on estate planning needs, and says that re-evaluating...
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Fredericton Office:
23 Avonlea Court
Professional Building
Fredericton, NB
E3C 1N8

Miramichi Office:
505 Old King George Highway,
Miramichi, NB,
E1G 1J8

Saint Andrews Office:
298 Water Street
Saint Andrews, NB
E5B 2R1

Saint John Office:
122 Carleton Street
Saint John, NB
E2L 2Z7